Max and Shirley Powell - December 28, 2002

Max and Shirley Powell - December 28, 2002
If you have any memories or pictures you would like to share, about Max and/or Shirley Powell, on this blog please feel free to email them to us and we will add them to the site. This site is for everyone to share, remember and love these wonderful people God gave us.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Sleep Over

This Story is from Rachel (Max and Shirley's granddaughter)

I remember when I was about five or six I stayed the night with Grandma and Grandpa while my family went out. I had a lot of fun. Will earlier that day Grandma gave me a piece of gum and I did not want to get rid of it when I went to bed, so I stuck it on my pillow, in the morning I had gum every where, Grandma had to cut my hair and I felt horrible, because I ruined grandma's sheets.

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