Max and Shirley Powell - December 28, 2002

Max and Shirley Powell - December 28, 2002
If you have any memories or pictures you would like to share, about Max and/or Shirley Powell, on this blog please feel free to email them to us and we will add them to the site. This site is for everyone to share, remember and love these wonderful people God gave us.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Rambo Grandma

I was cleaning up the toys off the floor in the front room and as usual the kids where running around making an even bigger mess. I then decided to just watching the Christmas tree and was remembering back over the years.
One year when my family was living in Maryland, Grandma and Grandpa come to visit over Christmas.
We as kids woke up as usual really early to see if Santa had come to the house. Santa always left a movie for us to watch in the morning, while my parents slept. I can’t remember the movie we got that year. All six of us where sprawled across the couch or on the floor watching, when all of the sudden streams of water came our way soaking us . When we recovered from shock and screaming we saw Grandma standing there in her house coat, a bandanna around her head and Nathan‘s Super Soaker, laughing so hard at us kids and the genus plan she had successfully pulled off. We gave her the name “Rambo Grandma,” which we called her all the time after that.

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